Muy buenas,
En su momento me hablaron del tema, cuando estuvimos hablando de pintar un juego en bronce (https://clubhondaspi...dios-en-bronce/), pero como no tenía intención de tocar las originales, no le hice mucho caso.
El caso es que llevo tiempo con las famosas manchas blancas bajo el barniz original...
Corrosion to alloys wheels can easily happen and will result in your alloys looking damaged, worn and undesirable. Corrosion damage can start from a minor scrape or from a small gravel chip which breaches the protective lacquered layer on your rim allowing water to gain access to the metal. This process of corrosion is encouraged by the increasing amount of salt being spread on the roads during cold and frosty days to prevent cars and other vehicles from skidding. Corrosion is more apparent during the winter months because while dry salt has little effect on exposed metal, as soon as it becomes moist or wet it turns into an electrolyte and allows the passage of a small electrical current that combined with the salts causes a chemical change to occur resulting in corrosion and staining. Deterioration will continue as blisters increase in number and grow in size to form pits in the surface. At the same time the protective finish to the wheel will peel off as the effect of the corrosion spreads. These blemishes look like darkened areas beneath the protective layer with white powdery deposits on areas where the protection has completely failed.
... y como parece que van a mandar una de las llantas plateadas a retocar a Portugal, estoy pensando en mandar las 4 y dejarlas nuevas.
Alguno conoce el proceso y tiene experiencia con el tema, por favor? Muchas gracias.
Edit: Me sonaba:
Lo hacían con unas llantas de pre en Wheeler Dealers.
Editado por Storm, 03 diciembre 2024 - 01:53:55.