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Mi ferio

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77 respuestas en este tema

#1 mariozgz


    K24A3 (Accord) 190 hp

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  • 86 mensajes
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Zaragoza
  • Coche:Civic Ferio '92 B18

Escrito 10 August 2009 - 00:33:06

Hola, despues de poner el post en presentaciones creo que lo suyo es presentar el cacharro jeje

Cuento un poco la historia.
Me gustaban mucho los Honda y en especial los Civic, soñaba con tener un hatch o coupe pero nunca me plantee encontrar un ferio, tenia aun 17 años cuando un amigo de un familiar me enseño el coche que vendía, un ferio LSi del 92 en bastante buen estado, se me calento la cabeza y con lo ahorrado lo compré, despues de estar un tiempo debajo de mi casa, cuando me saque el carne, empece a toquetearlo.
Y aquí las fotos.

Asi como lo compre
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada

Le puse una CDA
Imagen Enviada

Un detalle que ya traia era los paneles de puerta tapizados en cuero asi como un poco de audio ( radiocd, dos etapas, cargador de cd's, los 4 altavoces cambiados y tweeters donde los retrovisores.)
Imagen Enviada

Más tarde pedi unas Rota Slipstream en 16, que monte con unos pirelli pzero nero.
Imagen Enviada

Montadas el coche quedaba horriblemente alto
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada

Solución: Tein Superstreet
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada

Recien montada
Imagen Enviada

Me aburria en el taller y decidi pintar las pinzas en el color del coche, aqui parece muy cantoso pero una vez montadas las llantas queda muy discreto.
Imagen Enviada

Llegó el momento del escape, un don silencioso 117mm sonido máximo
Imagen Enviada

Mas adelante los pilotos y faros
Imagen Enviada

Le monte también unos backets que al poco tiempo quite por dolores de espalda y que a la policia no les terminaba de gustar :D
Imagen Enviada

Volante sencillete con costura roja
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada

Lip tipo Mugen montado
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada
Le quite los antinieblas que me los cargue aparte que el cristal era azul y quedaba como una patada...
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada

Y lo último que le puse fue el supresor de catalizador, un SRS, de esto no tengo fotos del montaje.
Imagen Enviada

Y aqui alguna suelta de este fin de semana.
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada
Imagen Enviada
Y ese soy yo jeje
Imagen Enviada

Y nada más hasta ahora, en breves quiero swapear del D15b2 que llevo por el B16a2, asi que a empaparme bien, y a ver si encuentro por aqui algun motor.

Un saludo y espero que os guste ;)

#2 Dj_Spa


    Sueño de mis d? as, ansiedad de mis noches:

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  • 5,166 mensajes
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Palma de Mallorca
  • Coche:シビック EG5 B18C6 + Accord CL9

Escrito 10 August 2009 - 01:15:55

Buenas, y bienvenido.
Yo siempre he querido tener, y tengo, jeje, un hatch, pero la verdad es que los ferio tienen una exclusividad que me atrae muchisimo, y en tu caso, no es menos.
Si se me permite, me gustaría opinar un par de cositas, pero a modo totalmente personal:
1- Intermitentes Naranjas Depo YA, la combinación con los de serie con tus faros negros nunca me ha gustado, y eso que la probe.
2- Lip pintado color carroceria, también porque no me hace el negro con el granate...
3-Puente trasero con discos + estabilizadora, eso culo debe de ser muy inkieto, jeje
La única pega es que al pasar del 1.5 al serie B, la homologación saldra un pelin más cara, y deberas invertir más pasta, al pasar del 30% de potencia que permite la ley, pero aun así, si no es un D16, un B16 sin duda, le sentara de lujo a tu precioso coche.
Enhorabuena, y no te empapes mucho, que esto es un vicio.



    Asimo Avanced

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  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Por ahi
  • Coche:M

Escrito 10 August 2009 - 03:46:09

Pedazo coche exclusivo, va por muy buen camino...

#4 tezeto


    Asimo Pro

  • Miembros
  • 5,167 mensajes
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:La Coruña
  • Coche:EX Honda Civic EK3, CL7 White on Board

Escrito 10 August 2009 - 07:45:43

Si señor eso si que es kurro, estos proyectos gusta verlos con fotos de inicio y finales.
Esta kedando precioso, y asi bajadito hasta asusta.
Un kosa, el ferio kreo que era la denominacion del motor en una epoka de honda, que korrespondia a un d15 con 3 stages de levas y 130 cv, se denominaba vti ferio, no se si a la karroceria que llevas se denominaba también ferio.
ME pondre a rekordar viejos tiempos, ya que habia un post por ahi mio que daba toda la info.

Lo dicho un saludo y bienvenido al foro y a seguir evolucionando.

bueno en mi edicion pongo la info que habia konseguido en su día y a la kual llamaron el post mas largo de la historia, espero no me kaneen y sirva de info:

NO era vti, era VI, un ek3 1.5 de 130 jakos, SOCH non DOCH, ahora mismo no rekuerdo el nombre exacto del motor, pero tenia un nombre xulo, ejejejejejejejje.

P.D: Edito, era konocido komo civic FERIO, una kosa rara de la que habia varias versiones.


Datos de los ferio:

1996-1998 CIVIC FERIO Vi / HONDA E-EK3

Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Temperature Line Absorption Glass (Front Window & Front Door)
• Temperatura de la línea de absorción de vidrio (ventana frontal y la puerta frontal)

•Body Same Color Electromotive Door Mirror (Electromotive Housing System)
• cuerpo mismo color electromotriz puerta Mirror (electromotriz sistema de vivienda)

•Power Windows/Power Door Locks
• Potencia de Windows / poder las cerraduras de las puertas

•Driver's Seat Manual Height Adjuster
• Asiento del conductor de ajuste manual de altura

•Air Conditioner
• Aire Acondicionado

•Trunk Through Functional Rear Seat
• A través de tronco funcional asiento trasero

•Front Spot Lamp
• Frente Spot lámpara

•Cup Holder Attaching Rear Arm Rest
• Fijación de la Copa titular de descanso posterior de brazo

•Front Large-sized Center Console Box With Arm Rest
• Frente de gran tamaño caja de consola central con reposabrazos

•Safety Door Beams
• puerta de seguridad vigas

•Torsion Bar Type Stabilizer (Front)
• Barra de torsión tipo de estabilizador (frontal)

•185/70R13 86S Steel Radial Tire + Full Wheel Cap
• 185/70R13 86S Radial Llantas de acero + Rueda de Capitalización completa

Optional Equiptment
Facultativo Equiptment

•SRS Air Bag System For Driver's Seat & Passenger's Seat
• Bolsas de Aire SRS Sistema Para Asiento del conductor y del pasajero del asiento

•ABS (4 Wheel Anti-lock Brake System)
• ABS (4 ruedas anti-lock Brake System)

•Electromotive Glass Sunroof
• electromotriz techo de vidrio

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•Front Wheel Drive FF
• rueda delantera unidad FF

• D15b 1.5L 3 etapa VTEC PGM-FI

•HONDA multiple matic (non-stage transmission)
• HONDA múltiples Matic (no-etapa de transmisión)

•5 Speed Manual
• Manual de 5 velocidades

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 1,080 (Fully Equipted)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 1.080 (Totalmente Equipted)

1996-1998 CIVIC FERIO Mi / HONDA E-EK3
1996-1998 CIVIC FERIO Mi / HONDA E-EK3

Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Front Shoulder Anchor Adjuster Seat Belt
• Frente hombro ancla ajustador de cinturón de seguridad

•Power Steering
• Potencia Directivo

•Power Windows/Power Door Locks
• Potencia de Windows / poder las cerraduras de las puertas

•Body Same Color Electromotive Door Mirror
• cuerpo mismo color electromotriz puerta espejo

•Extensive Green Glass
• extensa vidrio verde

•Air Conditioner
• Aire Acondicionado

•Center Console
• Centro de la consola

•Sliding Type Cup Holder
• Tipo de deslizamiento Cup Holder

•Safety Door Beam
• Transmitir seguridad puerta

•Vetilated Disk Brakes (front only)
• Vetilated frenos de disco (delanteros solamente)

•175/70R13 82S Steel Radial Tire + Full Wheel Cap
• 175/70R13 82S Radial Llantas de acero + Rueda de Capitalización completa

Optional Equiptment
Facultativo Equiptment

•SRS Air Bag System For Driver's Seat & Passenger's Seat
• Bolsas de Aire SRS Sistema Para Asiento del conductor y del pasajero del asiento

•ABS (4 Wheel Anti-lock Brake System)
• ABS (4 ruedas anti-lock Brake System)

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•Front Wheel Drive FF
• rueda delantera unidad FF


•HONDA multiple matic (non-stage transmission)
• HONDA múltiples Matic (no-etapa de transmisión)

•5 Speed Manual
• Manual de 5 velocidades

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 1,030 (Fully Equipted)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 1.030 (Totalmente Equipted)


Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Front Shoulder Anchor Adjuster Seat Belt
• Frente hombro ancla ajustador de cinturón de seguridad

•Fuel Indicator
• Indicador de combustible

•Air Conditioner
• Aire Acondicionado

•Extensive Green Glass
• extensa vidrio verde

•Warning Buzzer
• Señal de alerta

•Center Console
• Centro de la consola

•Safety Door Beam
• Transmitir seguridad puerta

•Intermittent Mist Mechanism Attaching Front Wiper
• Mecanismo de neblina intermitente vinculados limpiaparabrisas delantero

•Side Sill Garnish
• Adorne lado del umbral

•175/70R13 82S Steel Radial Tire
• 175/70R13 82S Neumático radial de acero

Optional Equiptment
Facultativo Equiptment

•SRS Air Bag System For Driver's Seat & Passenger's Seat
• Bolsas de Aire SRS Sistema Para Asiento del conductor y del pasajero del asiento

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•Front Wheel Drive FF
• rueda delantera unidad FF


•Lockup mechanism attaching 4th gear automatic
• mecanismo de bloqueo vinculados automática de 4 ª

•5 Speed Manual
• Manual de 5 velocidades

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 1,000 (Fully Equipted)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 1.000 (Totalmente Equipted)


Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Front Shoulder Anchor Adjuster Seat Belt
• Frente hombro ancla ajustador de cinturón de seguridad

•Power Steering
• Potencia Directivo

•Extensive Green Glass
• extensa vidrio verde

•Warning Buzzer
• Señal de alerta

•Center Console
• Centro de la consola

•Air Conditioner
• Aire Acondicionado

•Safety Door Beam
• Transmitir seguridad puerta

•Intermittent Mist Mechanism Attaching Front Wiper
• Mecanismo de neblina intermitente vinculados limpiaparabrisas delantero

•Side Sill Garnish
• Adorne lado del umbral

•Ventilated Disk Brake (front only)
• ventiladas freno de disco (delanteros solamente)

•175/70R13 82S Steel Radial Tire
• 175/70R13 82S Neumático radial de acero

Optional Equiptment
Facultativo Equiptment

•SRS Air Bag System For Driver's Seat & Passenger's Seat
• Bolsas de Aire SRS Sistema Para Asiento del conductor y del pasajero del asiento

•Air Conditioner (with 5 Speed Manual Tranny)
• Aire Acondicionado (con 5 Speed Manual de Trannies)

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•Front Wheel Drive FF
• rueda delantera unidad FF


•Lockup mechanism attaching 4th gear automatic / 5 Speed Manual
• mecanismo de bloqueo vinculados 4 ª automática / manual de 5 velocidades

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 990 (Fully Equipted)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 990 (Completo Equipted)

1996-1998 CIVIC FERIO Si / HONDA E-EK4
1996-1998 CIVIC FERIO Si / HONDA E-EK4

Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Private Color Headlight Sub Reflector
• Color privado Sub faro reflector

•Torsion Bar Type Stabilizer (Front/Rear)
• Barra de torsión tipo de estabilizador (delantero / trasero)

•Safety Door Beam
• Transmitir seguridad puerta

•Front Tower Bar
• Frente torre bar

•4 Wheel Disk Brakes
• 4 ruedas frenos de disco

•195/55R15 84V Steel Radial Tire + Full Wheel Cap
• 195/55R15 84V neumáticos radiales de acero + Rueda de Capitalización completa

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•Front Wheel Drive FF
• rueda delantera unidad FF


•5 Speed Manual
• Manual de 5 velocidades

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 1,090 (Base weight - no optional equiptment)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 1090 (Base de peso - no equiptment opcional)


Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Sport Type Front Seats
• Tipo de deporte asientos delanteros

•Temperature Line Absorption Glass (Front Window & Front door)
• Temperatura de la línea de absorción de vidrio (Frente Ventana y puerta frontal)

•Power Steering
• Potencia Directivo

•Power windows / door locks
• Potencia ventanas / cerraduras

•Body Same Color Electromotive Door Mirror (Electromotive Housing System)
• cuerpo mismo color electromotriz puerta Mirror (electromotriz sistema de vivienda)

•Air Conditioner
• Aire Acondicionado

•Leather-wrapped Steering Wheel
• Cuero-envuelta volante

•40/60 Split Fold-down Rear Seatback
• 40/60 Split abatible trasero de Asientos

•8 Ways Power Seat (Tilt/Sliding/Height) Driver's seat
• 8 Maneras Potencia Seat (Tilt / deslizante / Altura) Asiento del conductor

•Body Same Color Rear License Garnish
• cuerpo trasero mismo color licencia adornar

•Private Color Headlight Sub Reflector
• Color privado Sub faro reflector

•Front Tower Bar
• Frente torre bar

•Torsion Bar Type Stabilizer (Front/Rear)
• Barra de torsión tipo de estabilizador (delantero / trasero)

•Safety Door Beam
• Transmitir seguridad puerta

•195/60R14 86H Steel Radial Tire + Full Wheel Cap
• 195/60R14 86H Radial Llantas de acero + Rueda de Capitalización completa

Optional Equiptment
Facultativo Equiptment

•SRS Air Bag System For Driver's Seat & Passenger's Seat
• Bolsas de Aire SRS Sistema Para Asiento del conductor y del pasajero del asiento

•ABS (4 Wheel Anti-lock Brake System)
• ABS (4 ruedas anti-lock Brake System)

•LSD (Limited Slip Differential) For 5 Speed MT
• LSD (diferencial de deslizamiento limitado) Para 5 velocidades MT

•Electromotive Glass Sunroof
• electromotriz techo de vidrio

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•Front Wheel Drive FF
• rueda delantera unidad FF


•7 position electronic control 4th gear automatic / 5 Speed Manual
• 7 posición de control electrónico automático de 4 ª / 5 Speed Manual

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.390

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 1,160 (Fully Equipted)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 1.160 (Totalmente Equipted)

1996-1998 CIVIC FERIO Rti / HONDA E-EK5

Standard Equiptment / Features
Norma Equiptment / Características

•Power Steering
• Potencia Directivo

•Adjustable Steering Column
• Columna de dirección ajustable

•Power Windows / Door Locks
• Potencia de Windows / las cerraduras de las puertas

•Body Same Color Electromotive Door Mirror (Drivers side only)
• Órgano mismo color electromotriz puerta Mirror (sólo en el lado de Conductores)

•Air Conditioner
• Aire Acondicionado

•Extensive Green Glass
• extensa vidrio verde

•Rear Wiper Washer
• Lavadora limpiaparabrisas trasero

•Safety Door Beam
• Transmitir seguridad puerta

•Rear Mud Guard (No Front Guards)
• Parte posterior de barro Guardia (Frente Guardia n º)

•Torsion Bar Type Stabilizer (Front)
• Barra de torsión tipo de estabilizador (frontal)

•Ventilated Disk Brake (front only)
• ventiladas freno de disco (delanteros solamente)

•175/65R14 82H Steel Radial Tire + Full Wheel Cap
• 175/65R14 82H Radial Llantas de acero + Rueda de Capitalización completa

Optional Equiptment
Facultativo Equiptment

•SRS Air Bag System For Driver's Seat & Passenger's Seat
• Bolsas de Aire SRS Sistema Para Asiento del conductor y del pasajero del asiento

•ABS (4 Wheel Anti-lock Brake System)
• ABS (4 ruedas anti-lock Brake System)

Drive System / Engine / Tranny
Sistema de accionamiento / motor / Trannies

•4WD Real-time drive system
• 4WD en tiempo real de sistema de


•Lockup mechanism attaching 2 WAY 4 fast automatic / 5 Speed Manual
• mecanismo de bloqueo adjuntando 2 VÍAS 4 rápido automática / manual de 5 velocidades

Vehicle Dimentions
Dimensiones del vehículo

Total length (m) / full-width (m) / total height (m) 4.450/1.695/1.405
Longitud total (m) / anchura total (m) / altura total (m) 4.450/1.695/1.405

Wheel base (m) 2.62
Distancia entre ejes (m) 2,62

Vehicle weight (kg) 1,150 (Fully Equipted)
De vehículos de peso (kg) 1.150 (Totalmente Equipted)

MAs datos:

EK3 Honda Civic Ferio Vi Multimatic
The Honda Civic entered it's 6th generation, the "EK-generation" from late 1995 till late 2000. Replaced by the current ES-generation from late-2000, nevertheless many fans still feels the EK-Civic to represent a peak in Honda's acheivement amongst all generations of Civics thus far. In the EK-Civic, the various variants were truly refined to the highest of standards. The SiR was given the code EK4 and carries the 3rd (and as it turned out to be also the last) incarnation of the legendary B16A. This generation also saw the introduction of a true Type-R Civic, the EK9. Best of all, for the person with family requirements, the so-called "executive" D15B engined version was one of the best overall Civic yet designed by Honda.

I have always felt the EK3 Civic to be one of Honda's best overall Civic models. For its market segment and design objectives, it easily ranks alongside the excellence level of the EK4 Si/SiRs and even the EK9 Type-R. Even against the lastest ES2 Civic Ferio RS, the EK3 Civic still show-cases some unique technologies that have rather unfortunately been removed in the Civic RS. I decided to do this series on the 'Executive' EK3 Civics to show-case the unique technologies that it possesses, using two of my older articles to start it off; the one on the D15B engine and the english translation of the Honda Japan web-site's technical article on the state of the art Multimatic transmission. This is followed by TOVA reader Evan's article about his EK3 Civic VTi hatch. While many knows about Honda's Multimatic, few are fortunate to have experience of its usage so I next did a coverage on the Multimatic Driving Experience. Now in this article, I focus on what I feel to be the best overall mid-sized sedan Honda have yet made, the EK3 Civic Ferio Vi.

EK3 Honda Civic Ferio Vi - What's in a Name ?

For the EK-generation Civics, Honda used the model code EK3 to denote the 'executive' Civic versions. As I wrote in the D15B article what I call 'executive' versions are effectively '2nd from the top' Civics, in this case, just below the top B16A and B16B engined variants. Executive Civics are powered by engines with a balance of fuel economy and power and designed for practicality and comfort unlike the B16A & B16B engined Civics which focuses purely on performance to the extent of compromising rather large degrees of comfort and even practicality.

"2nd from the top" Civics relies on the D15B engine in various configurations. The D15B displaces 1493c.c. and is always SOHC in design. In the EK3 series of variants, Honda equipped it with either just plain PGM-Fi which produces 105ps or the now famous 3-stage VTEC mechanism in which case it produces 130ps but with fuel consumption that can reach up to ~28km/l ! With the EK-generation, Honda also continued with the segregation of using the Civic name for the 3-door hatchbacks and Civic Ferio for the 4-door sedans. However, in addition to this Honda also used different type nomenclatures for the hatch and sedans.

Thus in the EK-generation, we now have two line-ups of the executive Civics. The D15B SOHC PGM-Fi (105ps) versions are now Civic Ri and Civic Ferio Mi while the D15B 3-stage VTEC (130ps) versions are Civic VTi and Civic Ferio Vi. All of them are coded E-EK3. The ones you want are of course either the Civic VTi or if you're a more family oriented man with domestic requirements, the Civic Ferio Vi. Both represent probably the one of the best overall small sedans ever made.

It is a VTEC !!

The cover don't say it but the engine's definitely a VTEC !
The first VTEC-D15B used on the EG-Civics has attractive black crinkled painted valve covers. But since then, Honda have been continously simplifying the engine valve covers. In late production EG-Civics, the black covers were replaced by plain metal covers though still with the casted VTEC word. For the 3-stage VTEC D15Bs on the EK3s however, Honda removed the VTEC word and replaced it with a single 'Honda' word. This move have actually caught many people by surprise - ignorant ones even confidently tell people that EK3s are always non-VTEC and only EK4s are 'VTEC Civics'. And the proof they say is because the valve cover doesn't have the VTEC word !

The non-VTEC D15B and the 3-stage VTEC D15B on the EK3s are actually very different designs. The regular D15B has a top mounted air-filter box, with the throttle body mouth facing upwards. Therefore, the non-VTEC D15B engine has the air-filter box very prominently on top. The 1.6l SOHC engines used on various Asian versions of the EK-Civics looks similar to the 3-stage VTEC D15B however - the 1.6l SOHC-VTEC used in Malaysian even has black crinkled valve covers with the VTEC word. So, how do one confirm that an engine is a 3-stage VTEC D15B ?

Look, 2 VTEC soleniods ! After all, this is a 3-stage VTEC
Well, there are a number of ways to confirm. The most obvious and certain ones are of course the VTEC solenoids. Yes, solenoids, with the 's' because the 3-stage VTEC will have two of them. If I am not mistaken, the 3-stage VTEC D15B is the only Honda engine with two VTEC solenoids. One is for transition from 'stage-1' (12 valve) to 'stage-2' (16 valve 'mild' cams) and the other for transition from 'stage 2' to 'stage 3' (16 valve 'wild' intake cams). As explained, for the SOHC engines, the VTEC solenoids are not located beside the distributor but just on top of the intake runners. The photo on the right shows the two VTEC solenoids very clearly.

The famous "ECONO" LED
Note how high's that red-line on the tacho
The 3-stage VTEC D15B has other technological advances that the plain non-VTEC D15B and indeed many other Honda engines doesn't have. The 3-stage VTEC D15B has the ability to operate in lean-burn mode. Lean-burn mode indicates the engine is running at a super lean air/fuel ratio of around 20:1 !! Normal engines would probably have detonated itself to pieces way before getting anywhere near this ratio but the 3-stage VTEC D15B exploits the 12V mode to acheive this. In 12V lean-burn mode, only 1 intake valve opens during the intake stroke and this causes the air to swirl into the combustion chamber. This swirling promotes a very complete mixing of the air/fuel mixture and with other design innovations, Honda is able to run the 3-stage VTEC D15B at ~20:1 a/f ratio under ideal conditions (very light throttle, level road, etc). Lean-burn mode on the Civic VTi and Civic Ferio Vi are indicated by the lighting up of a green LED on the dashboard with the word "econo" on it. Actually, the 3-stage VTEC D15B is the only Civic engine in Honda's history so far to have this LED feature. For the person who values economy, it is a fantastic way to monitor fuel consumption. Everytime the ECONO led lights up, it means lean-burn mode and the engine is running at ~20:1 a/f ratio. Sustain this and fuel economy will approach 28km/l ! With careful and sensible driving styles, it is often possible to maintain this mode for a surprisingly large part of an ordinary journey. The beauty is that even if there is a need to overtake the car in front, lean-burn mode can be re-entered again almost immediately after the manuveure !

A 7200rpm red-line and ~20l/km mileage
Impossible ? Not for Honda's 3-Stage VTEC !

VTEC engines are of course also reknown for their ability to rev to high rpms. Actually this is not really due to VTEC per-se but rather that VTEC enables the application of race technologies in everyday engines. And naturally-aspirated race-engines relies heavily on high revs for power. The 3-stage VTEC D15B red-lines at a very high 7200rpm, a redline acheiveable by few engines even today. Thus the Civic Ri and Civic Ferio Mi (as well as 1.6l SOHC non-VTEC and VTEC engined Civics) have tachometers with red-lines at 6800rpm while the Civic VTi and Civic Ferio Vi will have tachometers with red-lines at 7200rpm. One can imagine just how much technologies have gone into this unassuming, mild looking yet amazing engine. On the one hand, race-technologies have given us a 7200rpm red-line - way above many cars with claims to being "performance" or "sporty", with race-like wild cam profiles and the induction roar of a performance tuned engine. Then on the other hand, the same little engine will happily putter along at below 2000rpm for speeds up to 70-80kph and at the same time running at a hereto unheard of ~20:1 air-fuel ratio ! This 3-stage VTEC D15B gives us 130ps, a power output range more commonly associated with larger engines as well as mileage of 13 - 14 km/l or more for in-town driving, even higher for long distance journeys - fuel consumptions more commonly associated with small engined economy cars. All this in a roomy, medium sized executive sedan !


EK3 Civic Ferio Vi's are best appreciated with Honda's wonder Multimatic CVT transmission. Driving a Multimatic Civic gives an entirely new and wonderful experience. For the uninitiated, first impressions can be a surprise because of the MMT's ability to maintain optimum gearing at any speed.

In the previous article of this series, I did a write-up on the Multimatic. That article, the Multimatic Driving Experience explains the operating principle as well as the flexibility of the Multimatic gearbox. There I have used a rather large number of words to attempt to explain the unique strengths of a Multimatic gearbox. But the saying goes that a 'picture paints a thousand words'. Well, I'd say a video is going to say even more ! Click on the picture of the Multimatic selector knob on the left to download a video of a WOT run on an EK3 Civic Ferio Vi Multimatic. Unfortunately the run could not be made in completely ideal conditions : the car has an almost full tank of petrol (gas) and there were three adults in the car including myself. I did have the air-cond off however. The stretch of isolated straight road I did the WOT run on has tight right-angle bends both before and after it so it wasn't the ideal stretch to show-off the full advantage of the Multimatic. Nevertheless it was possible to demonstrate the unique ability of Multimatic at WOT. Observe both the tacho and the speedo meters. Once I have negotiated the tight right hander, I went WOT. Note how engine revs climbs right up to ~7000rpm but speed changes only slightly. Notice that the car only really starts accelerating after engine revs reaches - and stays - at ~7000rpm - the max-power point of the 3-stage VTEC D15B. The engine goes straight into 'VTEC mode', the induction roar screaming in full glory and generating all of 130ps. 140kph comes up on the speedometer before I have to brake for the ending tight left-hander. Once the car starts accelerating, it can be quite fast indeed !

3-Stage VTEC with Multimatic - On The Road

In a strange ironic way, the performance requirements of a family sedan can often be more critical than even that of a sports-car. A DC2 Integra Type-R for e.g. already runs a 200ps B18CR and often seats only the driver or at most an extra passenger. Performance on the road is a given and indeed what is at stake in most situations is probably only the driver's ego. But a family sedan on the other hand is often fully packed with the family. The driver, his wife, his kids, and probably the parents as well will be comfortably seated inside the car (and thus the requirement for a roomy and comfortable interior). Now the stakes are so much more higher. Falter in any situation requiring sufficient power to get out of trouble and what is at stake is not only the driver's ego but the safety of the whole family ! Yes, ironically performance is often most crucial in the family sedan !

The current state of motoring has progressed to the stage that the typical 1.5l car when used with an autobox is now comparatively sluggish on the roads. But things are different with the EK3 Ferio Vi. On the road and against the competition, it is a combination of the high-revving, high power of the 3-stage VTEC D15B and the superb flexibility of the Multimatic gearbox which allows the EK3 to take care of itself ably, even in tight situations or with arrogant drivers - including those with quite a bit larger engines.

I still vividly remember a rather scary encounter against a Toyota Camry 2.2 GX when I first got my EK3. This was the first generation of Camry that was sold here in Malaysia using the 2.2l engine which delivers 130+ps, the large 2200cc displacement endowing the car with very good midrange. He was stuck behind me on a single-lane entry loop into a highway, swerving left and right trying to squeeze through. Indeed if the side of the road had not been lined with ARMCO barriers, I am certain he would have driven onto the grass just to get ahead. Out of a mixture of fear and spite, I changed to 'S' mode and once we were on the main highway, went WOT. Engine rpms immediately shot up to 7000rpm and to my surprise and delight, the EK3 shot forward leaving the Camry cold in its track. It was only after I had slowed down and taking my exit that he finally managed to catch up. Coincidentally he took the same exit so I went WOT again as we exited the highway. Again he couldn't catch up. A traffic light came up next and it was green and by coincidence, again both of us took the tight left hander. Again he catches up and out of spite, I floored it again. This time he couldn't even catch up. I finally slowed down to turn into a parking lot as I had reached my destination. I remember laughing aloud as the Camry came charging past, headlights flashing wildly because I was apparently blocking his road !!

Another interesting episode I had was against a Proton Perdana V6. This uses a 155ps 2.0l V6 engine and is considered by many as a very powerful car - and often driven in such fashion. It was past midnight on an inner city highway and traffic was very sparse so there was plenty of space to run. In the rear-view mirror, I could see the guy weaving in and out very fast, quickly came charging up to my tail. Curiosity quickly got the better of me so as we exited the loop and got onto the main highway, I decided it would be fun to 'test' against this much bally-hooed higher powered car as long as I constantly reminded myself to retain some common sense. 2.0l V6 155ps means it has a 25ps as well as 500cc in displacement advantage over me but my advantage lies in the fact that the Perdana V6 comes only in auto and it's a very heavy car so I would have both MMT's superior flexibility and hopefully a competitive power-to-weight ratio. Still I was driving with two adults in the car while the guy was alone, so as I WOT I also switched off the air-conditioning to get the maximum possible performance. To my surprise, the guy's 25ps advantage was of no avail to him because try as he might, he just couldn't overtake me. Being ahead, I got on WOT earlier than him and was able to quickly pull a small gap and that gap was maintained right up to some rather irresponsible speeds. In the end, I even had time to brake early to enter a tunnel. As both of us exited the tunnel and re-joins the highway, both he & I decided to have a go again. Again all he could do was to keep up with me, unable to close the gap I had pulled ! Eventually we encountered traffic and both of us decided that safety prevails over fun and eased off.

Against a fellow Honda, on one occasion I found I was able to keep ahead of a screaming EG9 on the highway (which I am guessing is an auto). Both our car's bodyweight are similar but the EG9 will have a 25ps advantage (auto B16As generate 155ps) so it was again a rather nice surprise. It was only upon approaching 170kph that the EG9 overtook me and pulled ahead (the EK3 Vi's stock ECU has a built-in ~180kph speed limiter).

Of course no engine-gearbox can be perfecto. It still takes a finite amount of time, no matter how short, for the engine to rev up to max power point. Consequently at very low speeds like just after moving off from a standstill and in gentle cruising mode, larger engined and manual cars under ideal conditions can out-run the Multimatic EK3. I have been out-dragged by a Perdana V6 and a manual Proton Satria (coincidentally both with very loud aftermarket exhausts) when both of them wanted to illegaly cut into my lane from a stop junction and a traffic light respectively (their lane was for turning only but they were both using it to jump queue). Such experiences can be annoying of course but in the end a family sedan is not meant to be a drag machine so they have to be accepted as part and parcel of everyday driving.

Getting It Right At Last

The EK generation is the last generation to retain full multi-link suspension front and back and consequently has great handling and ride. EK3s are equipped with Honda Progressive Valve shocks so their ride comfort can even be compared to the excellent rides of continental cars. This is no mean acheivement since the comfortable superb ride quality is a hallmark of continental cars. As with the engine/gearbox package, the ride quality of the EK3 often took unsuspecting passengers by surprise. In one case my friend Mike from Singapore was impressed enough to spontaneously exclaim to his wife "this is a comfortable car eh ?".

However, there are still some shortcomings. With stock suspension and stock 175/75/13 tyres, there is quite pronounced body-roll during hard cornering. It's a compromise that has to be accepted for the high degree of ride comfort of course. Eventually I had a copy of the EK9 Civic Type-R upper strut bar installed on my EK3. Not initially expecting anything other than sheer asthetic improvement, I was surprised to find the handling of the car to be quite improved, especially the apparent cornering stability (due to the lesser body roll) but ride comfort did degrade to some extent.

With 185/65/14 HR tyres but completely stock suspension, the EK3 is very stable at high speeds. Once when tailing a BMW on the expressway, both of us entered a wide corner at 140kph and surprisingly the EK3 kept up with the BMW with very little drama. When taking very tight corners at the limit, the EK3 will feel very stable and secure even when the tyres have started to screech from understeer. Again there's very little drama to the extent that detractors have labelled the EK3's handling as 'boring'. But let's be sensible. In a family sedan, does it make sense to want an 'exciting' handling with a lot of drama for the sake of 'driving excitement' ? Me, my family's usually in the car and I would much rather have it safe and boring, thank you... Actually, the EK3's cornering limit is really very high. I have followed many cars in tight corners and especially in those with rapidly reducing radius, I have easily closed up to the car in front, only to have to back-off because it had to brake due to over-committing to the corner. However the Ferio Vi is still comparatively a light-weight so passing or being passed by large lorries (trucks) and buses will still cause it to rock very slightly.

In terms of quietness too, the EK Civic have approached equivalent continental car levels. Actually some tyre noise is a given with almost all cars nowadays - indeed even the many BMWs, Volvos, even Mercedes I've driven or sat in surprised me by suffering from this to some extent too. I think the limiting factor nowadays is the rather aggressive tyre designs we have gotten to prefer that compromises noise for performance. In terms of wind noise, there are some intrusion at high speeds. Nevertheless, this would be over critical here because we are talking about speed of 140-160kph, speeds which we rightfully shouldn't be maintaining for long periods of time for the sake of safety.

Fuel Consumption
I wish to conclude this article by touching a little on the much vaunted fuel economy of the 3-stage VTEC D15B. As is constantly hyped, under ideal conditions, the 3-stage VTEC D15B will run in 12V lean-burn mode with air-fuel ratios of ~20:1. The standard fuel economy test conducted in Japan comprises running the car under ideal conditions at a steady 60kph. This is where the EK3 VTi/Vi has been tested to deliver an unheard of mileage of 28km/l ! But of course in practise it's impossible to be driving at a constant 60kph in everyday journeys. My experience with my EK3 is that in a mixture of congested town driving and reasonably free-flowing inner city highway driving (at a ratio of maybe 60 : 40), with several short periods of WOT fun, a consumption of between 12-13km/l can be easily acheived. On long journeys outstation (out of town) on free flowing expressways with relatively easy traffic and sustained speeds of up to 120-140kph, again with regular WOT runs for overtaking slow moving large vehicles, a consumption of up to 16km/l or higher can be acheived. This is with 2 adults in the car too.

In the end more than with any other engine, the fuel economy that can be acheived with the 3-stage VTEC D15B is dependent on the weight of the right foot and the driving 'exuberence' of the driver. That wonderful green "econo" LED can also be a rather good teacher on economical driving style. To sustain lean-burn mode for long periods of time best results are acheived in cool weather conditions driving in free-flowing traffic. From a standstill at the traffic lights or toll-gate, the key is to get up to cruising speed as fast as possible, a relatively simple feat with the Multimatic. Once up to cruising speed, the key is to maintain a constant speed using very light throttle, keeping the ECONO LED on as much as possuble. Surprisingly this is not as difficult to maintain as might be suspected because with the EK3 Ferio Vi, we can cruise at as high as 120kph (80mph) under this condition ! And with Multimatic, overtaking slower vehicles can be accomplished with relative ease - it's even possible to overtake while in lean-burn mode as long as the extra throttle is applied very gently. Even if the overtaking is done with WOT, lean-burn mode can be restored again very easily after that.

The EK3 Civic/Civic Ferio VTi/Vi remains one of Honda's best overall Civic to this day, even managing to eclipse the current Civic RS in some ways. It is a relatively fast yet economical family car with a degree of comfort approaching equivalent continental models in the same class yet with a high degree of performance.

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Wong KN
March 2003
© Temple of VTEC Asia

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Editado por tezeto, 10 August 2009 - 07:59:14.

#5 smartcorse



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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 10:16:44

El coche esta guapisimo, ademas es exclusivo se ven muy pocos asi (yo donde mas he visto ha sido en Portugal, ahi me hinché)...

#6 Persino


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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 10:25:28

Pues ami me encanta como lo tienes, los intermitentes naranjas le sentaran muy bien.

Y ese b16 sera perfecto, ademas de lo que dice dj_spa, de ponerle puente trasero con discos.

saludos y a cuidarlo!

#7 racing_heart



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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 11:12:47

Esta precioso

Me recuerda ami coupe cuando lo compre y le puse las rota XD

Animo con ese swap yo le puse un B18C4

y la verdad es que no hay color

#8 Jerogliphic



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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 11:16:26

Muy chulo, yo ya he visto un par de canadienses en color blanco y son "diferentes" los intermitentes ámbar que te dice DJ_SPA, ponselos de la marca Vision, son algo mejores que los Depo.


#9 gomez619


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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 11:41:15

Que gordo se ve!!!! Felicidades por el coche esta precioso!! SAludos y a seguir con la evolucion!!

#10 stangt500


    F20C (S2000) 240 hp

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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 12:03:59

Está muy chulo, sí señor! Una duda que tengo, este modelo se vendía en España creo, pero luego existe un tal eg9 (misma carrocería con un b16a2) que no se llegó a comercializar aquí verdad?

P.D. Pollo, al final voy a tener un ataque epiléptico de entrar en post en los que escribes, menudo avatar te gastas jejeje :P




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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 12:53:56

Ey te conozco de otro foro jaja.

PD: Esta muy wapo el sedan. :D

#12 boing_vti


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  • Coche:Civic MB6 Mugen. Ford Ka F2000(en venta). Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VI TME.

Escrito 10 August 2009 - 14:02:09

En vivo y en directo, solo he tenido la ocasion de ver 1 andando. Matricula Francesa, color verde clarito, tirado al suelo y juraria que con tus mismas llantas. Y la verdad es que me gustó mucho la linea. Por lo que el tuyo también me gusta :lol: :+:

#13 Bak



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Escrito 10 August 2009 - 14:30:42

los intermitentes jdm le quedarían que ni pintaos XD de todas maneras lo tienes muy bien ;)

#14 mariozgz


    K24A3 (Accord) 190 hp

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Escrito 11 August 2009 - 01:01:04

Muchas gracias a todos por las respuestas, sobre los intermitentes, me laqué unos de serie en naranja por hacer la probatina y quedaron peor que mal y volvi a dejarlos de serie, llevo en mente montar los intermitentes naranjas ahumados DEPO, aunque también mirare la marca que ha puesto Jerogliphic a ver que tal.
La verdad que el culo es un tanto inquieto jeje pero nada exagerado. La homolgacion, al casi doblar la potencia que de serie , no se si me salia por unos 800euros, me parecio muy caro pero bueno, todo es informarse en más sitios, ya que lo pregunte por curiosidad y hace ya un tiempo.
Sobre el motor, tengo unas ganas...ademas despues de que este finde me diesen una vuelta en un vti, es otro mundo, despues me monté en el mio y le estrujé y a poco me hecho a llorar :lol: llevo intención de montar también como habeis puesto por ahi puente trasero con discos, lo que no se si lo haria nada más swapear, seria lo suyo.

Atmosferico: puede que me conozcas de ZT? jeje

Tezeto, lo de ferio, yo tenia entendido que era como se denominaba a la carroceria al igual que hatchback o coupe.

Editado por mariozgz, 11 August 2009 - 01:03:23.

#15 JonaEG5



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Escrito 11 August 2009 - 13:59:51

Estoy realmente impresionado, as pasado de un familiar, aun coche realmente deportivo, realmente me a gustado todo menos los backets, pero todo lo demas esta de vicio muy chulo! estare atento de ese SWAP!

#16 balaroja


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Escrito 11 August 2009 - 23:54:52

Yo e visto ese civic en persona en zaragoza y muy chulo, si señor. :okk:

#17 mariozgz


    K24A3 (Accord) 190 hp

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Escrito 12 August 2009 - 10:12:14

Los backets estan fuera hace unos meses jonaeg5, más adelante, me gustaría meterle unos reclinables recaro, pero antes quiero swapear, repintar entero buff, muchas ideas y poco dinero jaja

balaroja, no lo metiste al MSF verdad? por que busque más hondas por ahi y no vi el tuyo.

Editado por mariozgz, 12 August 2009 - 10:13:42.

#18 balaroja


    ::: I like Honda :::

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  • Coche:MB6 VTI,s ,206 GTI france edittion..

Escrito 12 August 2009 - 13:32:48

No estuve con el eg ,fui con un amigo en su coche, la verdad que avia poquitos hondas por alli.

#19 Jotapic


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Escrito 13 August 2009 - 18:29:58

Vaya p#%@ mierda de ferio sin intermitentes naranjas.... :D

Ya sabes lo que pienso de tu cepo tontorron! sigo esperando a que me lo dejes :roll:

A ver si nos vemos pronto ;)

#20 AdrianSi


    coupé's TEAMCEPO #02# te llevo en mi corazon NAVARRO

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Escrito 13 August 2009 - 18:58:59

sin intermitentes naranjas .. XD

PD ahora k lo decis XD tengo yo por kasa unos amber corner lights XD k me llegaron por error para ferio XD si te interesan XD te hago un buen precio y te los llevas XD jejejee :P

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