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43 respuestas en este tema

#41 Storm


    Asimo Pro

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  • Location:At The Heart Of Winter
  • Coche:2005 Honda S2000

Escrito 07 octubre 2012 - 19:51:52

Ayer les mandé un mail a los de RaceLogic a ver si tenían distribuidor o taller de montaje por España.... y no lo hay, así que sí que tendría que ser un DIY, que siguiendo las instrucciones que habéis puesto de s2ki, no debería de ser demasiado dificil...........................o sí jeje...

Muchas gracias, KaosTotal!

No creo q sea muy dificil :D

En los bricos que pusimos no lo parecía:

#42 Storm


    Asimo Pro

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Escrito 21 enero 2019 - 15:33:34

Estoy mirando centralitas de nuevo y he visto la AEM EMS v2 que no pinta nada mal.
Pero en la lista de caracteristicas hay una que me descoloca:

- Programmable traction control.

A que se refiere?? No creo que añada control de tracción al coche no??

Un Saludo


Tengo otra. A qué se refieren con ésto, por favor?


Hey folks,

just wanted to inform you that AEM knowingly uses faulty code in their AEM v2 ECU that can lead to engine failure and thus is relevant for your safety and health (rational: sudden torque change may lead to loss of control).
The fixed this error in their Infinity ECU but do not seem to care enough about their customers' engines of lives to pro-actively bring this issue up to existing AEM v2 users, e.g. via firmware update or simply any kind of news on their homepage. Instead, they expect you to figure out this error, contact them, and negotiate a deal with the for purchasing an Infinity.

Of course, this might be seen as one step in the right direction from them...
... but especially as the faulty logic is quite easy to improve (coders may approve you that after briefly diving in to the topic and they also have proven that with their Infinity ECU)
AND the result of the faulty logic may lead to a pricey engine damage and potentially threatens your health because of sudden torque changes,
I honestly don't think that this company should further be able to compete in the still growing aftermarket for ECUs.

Of course, the faulty logic only leads in very rare cases to engine damage but the damage then again will be high. This incident is a classic candidate for proper risk management (low chance of having an issue but certainly high impact). Something this company does not seem to have. They do not even seem to care enough about your engines or health to inform you in any way.

This is my opinion and I am not here to debate with anyone about the chance that a damage might happen or the relevance of this whole thing. For me, I honestly think that the offer for aftermarket ECUs is big enough to ditch those that do not seem to have the least bit of social responsibility. ... and yes, I know, they have this disclaimer that the use of their ECU might lead to potential engine damage -- like everyone else. But this is not their ECUs users' fault and I am certain that quite many AEM v2 ECU user currently drive with a VTEC setting that might lead to engine damage. I was giving them this honest opinion and the chance to react. The deleted my posts and ultimately closed the topic.

If you should be interested to understand the technical background or just want to read the thread about this topic in the AEM forum, please follow this link:

What do I promise myself from posting this?
As former user of this ECU, I just want to eliminate the chance that negative things might happen in my life. I hopefully do so in the long run by posting this and raising awareness for reporting such risks, ultimately being a small part in the whole to reduce the barrier to talk about things like this more open.

Thanks for your attention.


I too logged the VTEC behavior on my old V2 setup and experienced the on/off switching while changing gears even while staying in the parameters that AEM allowed you to set. Sometimes It would not engage till several rpm's after the setpoint. Whether or not this was logging speed issues or actual switching issues, I am not sure.


Alguién sabe algo, por favor?

Edit: Acabo de mandar un email a AEM.

Editado por Storm, 21 enero 2019 - 16:02:25.

#43 Storm


    Asimo Pro

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Escrito 22 enero 2019 - 09:54:32

Edit: Acabo de mandar un email a AEM.


A ver qué me dicen. Les he preguntado por qué firmware debería usar y en qué ha quedado el problema del VTEC.

Aquí lo explican bien:



I would like some clarification on VTEC control in Infinity.  There's no documentation explaining exactly how each of these settings work.

Here are the settings available, and an example of some values...
VTEC Off Below RPM = 5000
VTEC On Above RPM = 5500
VTEC Off Below Throttle = 20
VTEC On Above Throttle = 30

The way I assumed it works was, VTEC on parameters were an 'AND' condition, where both RPM above 5500 and TPS over 30 are required for it to switch on.  The ECU appears to operate in this fashion for turning VTEC on.  I also assumed that the same was true for the VTEC OFF conditions, however it appears that the OFF conditions are an 'OR' switch.   Meaning, if VTEC is already engaged, it will disengage when the RPM is below 5000 OR TPS below 20.

This is not ideal for the VTEC system to be constantly switching on/off (i.e. between shifts, part throttle application on track, etc).   It is not safe to run the none VTEC lobes at high RPMs, especially with the system switching on and off.   Furthermore, everytime VTEC switches, there is an oil pressure drop, which is normal behaviour with VTEC.  Again, not ideal to have the oil pressure dropping everytime there is a gear change, or throttle lifted then reapplied.   For this reason the OEM Honda ECU's, when VTEC is switched on, it will stay switched on per the VTEC window settings based on MAP and RPM.


Y lo que puede ocurrir (levas no VTEC trabajando a altas revoluciones y posibles roturas de rocket arms):

#44 Storm


    Asimo Pro

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Escrito 23 enero 2019 - 18:41:08

Edit: Acabo de mandar un email a AEM.


A ver qué me dicen. Les he preguntado por qué firmware debería usar y en qué ha quedado el problema del VTEC.


Ok, respuesta:


De: Pyng Thai []
Enviado el: miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019 18:23
Para: Storm
Asunto: RE: Firmware for AEM Series 2 Plug & Play EMS (Engine Management System) for 2000-2005 Honda S2000 (P/N 30-6052)

Hello Storm,
We do not have a specific firmware for European S2000. Best suggestion I can make is to load the latest firmware which is 2V02.
As for your S2ki link, vtec control has never been an issue with the series 2.
Pyng Thai
Technical Support
AEM Performance Electronics
(310) 484-2322 Ext. 252


Bien, me aseguraré de que la ECU (http://clubhondaspir...000-pn-30-6052/) lleve el último firmware (me suena, soy informático. :P) pero no es lo que se dice en S2ki sobre el tema del VTEC. :uff:



Editado por Storm, 23 enero 2019 - 18:42:15.

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