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How To Adjust Your Shocks Like a Pro and Go Faster

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#1 Storm


    Asimo Pro

  • Miembros
  • 12,063 mensajes
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:At The Heart Of Winter
  • Coche:2005 Honda S2000

Escrito 07 September 2024 - 19:23:46

Muy buenas,

Este tío es bueno.



-Problemas de bajar el coche demasiado: Lo explica hasta el 10:30 en el primer video.



-Alineado necesario después de cambiar suspensiones (y altura): 10:30-11:30.



-Corner Balance: 11:30-13:30.




-Conceptos : 13:50-23:00.


-Ajuste de suspensiones de 1 vía para una baseline: 23:00-26:30.



-Endurecer eje delantero: 26:30-31:30.


-Endurecer eje trasero: 31:30-38:30


Lo mismo pero escrito:



Rule 1:
The most compression control with the least demand of rebound = Best combination of ride and grip.


Rule 2:
Shocks as soft as posible to deal with what you have to.


Rule 3:
Don't make your shocks too stiff. Aim the most mecanical grip still mantaining control and steering responsiveness.


Set everything default soft.
Compression first.
Until harsh and backup one.
Increase rebound.
Until ride rougher and back up one.


Compression adjustments: More front compression makes the car react more to steering.
Too much compression dumping makes understeer.
Too litle makes the suspension to botton out, noose dives under braking,...

More rear compression makes the car rotate more, reduces body roll, reduce aceleration squad, the back follow the front faster, not bottoming out,...
Too much compression dumping makes the car loose grip.
Too litle makes unstable rear and sometimes front behave bad.


Editado por Storm, 10 September 2024 - 23:05:57.

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