Buenas. Por curiosidad que cuesta hacerle la repro al 2.4 manual?
Escrito 20 febrero 2014 - 16:18:21
Hey E11 guys . Im very happy to hear that you like your new feelings ! Id also would like to apologise for my mistake, we have revolution and unstable situation so i was in a terrible rush trying to finish all and ship ECU asap... kkjma, you are brave hondabro ! how much times you punched that blind postman ? )))
And btw , i also wanna see more vids stock vs reflashed ! Angel can hide your plates ))
Escrito 20 febrero 2014 - 17:33:33
Situation is bad , nothing to add. around 150+ ppl been killed , thousands of wounded . Special forces and gangs shoot people. Its hell in Kiev now.
U live in Kiev??? Hope everything goes alright for you and your known people, and hope the conflict finishes soon, I still don't know how nowadays we're still having shits like this, don't care EU, Russia, Ukraine or wherever...
Escrito 21 febrero 2014 - 00:16:11
Yeah , our girls are most beautiful in the world, thats true. I saw nice girls in different countries, but never such beautiful and in that huge quantity ))
executive-e trim with ACC and LKAS is extremely rare , ive never seen any here and dont even heard that someone in our community own one like that. thats why i had to get an ECU to make firmware for it. I tried all junkyards here , germany , poland , noona had E11 ecu for sale. Even in Germany they are very rare.
Our deputies voted to stop violence , lets see... Corrupted bastards run out of country today , its good sign.
Escrito 21 febrero 2014 - 16:50:09
Perdonar mi ignorancia pero ACC es aire acondicionado verdad?es k el mio es aire acondicionado+gps y executive....
El ACC es otra cosa
El tuyo para la programación sería normal
Y para los 2.0? como va la cosa, que llegan los Reyes y no tengo pensado el regalo
Escrito 21 febrero 2014 - 17:09:09
Cualquier ECU de CL9 puede reprogramarse sin salir de España. Esto es así gracias a que kkjma aceptó enviar la suya a Ucrania, de hecho la del coche de jorgebg que es exactamente igual ya se reprogramó en mi casa.
El ACC es el control de crucero adaptativo. Era opcional en los últimos modelos fabricados de CL9
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Reprogramación i-CTDiComenzado por CHSRacing , 18 marzo 2016 - 13:35:47 ![]() |
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CHS Racing - Taller Oficial del Foro →
Reprogramación I-DTECComenzado por CHSRacing , 18 marzo 2016 - 12:03:48 ![]() |
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